This week we got lucky and had one day of upper 70 degree weather so naturally we were blaring Goo Goo Dolls and No Doubt and started reminiscing on 90's fashion. Us Maca girls are all lovers of a more edgy clean look, and we decided to put together a G R U N G E C H I C look for this week's Fashion Friday pick. What do you think about this look?
Fashion Friday {Grunge Chic}
Friday, January 30, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
We are still in the transition period between winter and spring...and quite frankly here in Fayetteville it can be 75 degrees one day and then the next it will drop back down into the forties. The up-side to that is you get the best of both worlds from your closet... right? Although it is closer to spring that doesn't quite mean you have to rule out layering. Spring just consists of lighter layering. Instead of cardigans and scarves, wear slips and necklaces. We are loving the Boho trends that are all over Pinterest, and decided to add a touch of flare to one of our favorite spring dresses. We can not keep our lace detailed skirts in stock because everyone loves to just throw them under their favorite dress or jacket to give an extra something to an outfit. What do you think about this look? What spring looks are you excited for?
Friday, January 23, 2015
Now that warm weather is approaching (not as fast as we'd like), it is time to start putting a little color back into our wardrobe. Spring fashion holds a great deal of color possibilities in this awkward transition period. We posted last Friday about Pantone's Spring 2015 Color Guide and decided we just flat out dig the aquamarine color. We put together a simple monochromatic color scheme with a plain aquamarine tunic and added in hues of royal blue accessories and layers. You can check out more of our spring color inspirations over at Maca's Pinterest page!
Friday, January 16, 2015
Even though temperatures are still cold, spring 2015 fashion is here now! There is nothing more refreshing then looking at brighter colors after a long cold winter. Pantone has released their Spring 2015 color report and we are LOVING the blue hues!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Fashion is always a season ahead and sometimes it is hard to keep up with the latest trends and styles. We've put together a pre-look at what you need to know about the upcoming spring season of 2015. Fashion week in NYC rocked the runway of what's hot this season... but we also understand some of those looks are too glamorous and over the top for our every day lives. We took these runway looks and gave the alternative street chic look. Which one is your favorite? Do you think you will rock any of these looks this year?

Bell Bottoms
Straight off the Runway
Street Chic
Straight off the Runway

Prison Stripes
Straight off the Runway
Street Chic
Straight off the Runway
Street Chic
Big Floral
Straight off the Runway
Street Chic

Cold Shoulders
Straight off the Runway
Street Chic
Picnic Plaid
Straight off the Runway
Street Chic
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