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After talking to my sister about what she was doing for Valentines Day and knowing what I am wanting to do, something came to my mind on how Valentines Day and personal fashion (I am using MACA jewelry to reference) are related in there own lil way.
Valentines Day is a special day that society has made for us to show how we care for our loved ones, but when you really think about it girls handle this holiday differently. We all have different personalities. Some examples:

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* My sister she is the traditionalist. She wants the flowers, candy, and the rhinestone necklace when she walks in the door from work. Her husband knows this and we both love her for it!

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* My employee, who wants a Valentine in general, is sad to hear how everyone else is getting flowers and feels a little bit of a broken heart because one day she hopes that will be her.

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* I’m the non-traditionalist who wants to be different. I would enjoy going to Hooters and eating steamed shrimp, drinking crown and diet cokes, and would love nothing more than to open up a jewelry box with a brass knuckle necklace in it! Yes I know it sounds crazy, but that is me! LOL
So whether your personality is the rhinestone heart, the broken heart, or the brass knuckle, the real truth about Valentines Day is this: Girls, as a whole, all want the same and that is to be LOVED!!

cute :)